The Pits: Traci ran well at the Glass City Marathon…until mile 20. She struggled with the sun, the lack of shade, and a sore ankle and hip. She completed the marathon, but didn’t get the time she was hoping for.
Zoom, Zoom, Raindrop
The Pits: Rainy all day. We slept in, not eager to get out in the drizzle. I took Trek for a quick walk and had to roll up my pajamas pants to keep from getting wet. They still got damp,
Motorcycles, Ceiling Fans, and Spewed Breakfast
The Pits: Turner and I slept in the tent until around 1:45am. He’d had an accident in his sleeping bag. He said it was just a small spot that he could sleep around, but he was shivering in the low
Winchester Cold Camping
The Pits: Cold. The Peaks: I took the day off since the kids were out of school for Veteran’s Day. I did a bit of cleaning before heading to Dollar Miserable General to let the boys pick out some Hot
The Pilgrims
The Pits: The boys peed on the tarp I setup under my tent and some of it got on my hand. The Peaks: The boys and I finally arose from our tent around 6:30am and were glad to see that
Winchester Campout
The Pits: It took a few tries to get the campfire lit, but it finally picked up. The Peaks: After work, I headed home and got our camping supplies packed up. The boys and I headed down to Winchester to
Sixties Surprise
The Peaks – Earlier in the week we’d gotten an invite to my aunt’s surprise 60th birthday party in Winchester. Fortunately we were able to make it since Traci had a baby shower she had to attend in Lynchburg. It
Christmas Eve 2014
We headed down to my family’s house first thing this morning to do Christmas with them. We planned to spend all Christmas Eve with my family, briefly hang with the Bob Boswells, and then head over to the annual Cowan
Kick It Off
We stayed the night with my folks and took this photo before departing the next morning. I think everyone had a nice visit home. Today marks the start of the 5th year of the Piccal. This has become a very
New Year’s Eve 2010
We went back down to Winchester today to celebrate New Year’s Eve with Mamaw and Papaw. We went up to my cousin’s house which used to be where my grandma and grandpa (who we called Mom and Pop) lived. They