Quote of the Day “The world rewards you for value provided, not time spent.” – James Clear
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Quote of the Day “The world rewards you for value provided, not time spent.” – James Clear
Quote of the Day “There are nearly endless opportunities to improve each day and finding them largely boils down to being curious. “People who are better in the end are usually curious in the beginning.” – James Clear
Quote of the Day “…in science, “I don’t know” is not a failure but a necessary step toward enlightenment. A great quote from physicist James Clerk Maxwell is: “Thoroughly conscious ignorance is the prelude to every real advance in science.”
Quote of the Day “Who can ever do anything, after Beethoven?” – Franz Schubert, on his deathbed listening to a Beethoven quartet.
Quote of the Day “The National Sleep Foundation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend for all adult humans: 7 to 9 hours of time in bed. “The problem is that some people confuse time slept with sleep
Quote of the Day “If I’ve learned anything from podcasting, it’s don’t be afraid to do something you’re not qualified to do.” – Dan Carlin, found in Tools of Titans by Timothy Ferriss.