Quote of the Day “I don’t feel old. I don’t feel anything till noon. That’s when it’s time for my nap.” – Bob Hope
Super Sports Saturday – Middle School 6th Grade Basketball Tournament and 7v7 Practice

Quote of the Day “I don’t feel old. I don’t feel anything till noon. That’s when it’s time for my nap.” – Bob Hope
Quote of the Day “Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.” – George Washington
Quote of the Day “A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.” – Tecumseh
Quote of the Day “Leadership begins with your behavior. What’s more powerful? A manager or coach or teacher who tells you the right thing to do? Or one who shows you how to live and work by example? People gravitate
Quote of the Day “Thank you, God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough.” – Garrison Keillor
Quote of the Day “Work spares us from three evils; boredom, vice, and need.” – Voltaire
Quote of the Day “You say you’re always living in the future, which doesn’t make sense, you dummy. You’re not Elon Musk.” – Weston, when he was arguing with Turner about Turner always bringing up the past.
Quote of the Day “There is more pleasure in loving than in being beloved.” – Thomas Fuller
Gratitude I’m thankful I stepped out of my comfort zone to attend the networking brunch alone. I’m thankful for successful meetings. I’m thankful that both boys had a chance to score some points for the Mavericks. I’m thankful for co-worker
Gratitude I’m thankful for a safe flight. I’m thankful for the opportunity to meet some co-workers I’ve never met before. I’m thankful for the feeling of taking off your shoes after a long day of travel. The Pits Travel in