Quote of the Day “Is there stuff in the thing?” – Weston; one of his many non-sensical ramblings on the drive down to Tullahoma that made us ponder his meaning.
In Memory of Eva Marie Turner

Quote of the Day “Is there stuff in the thing?” – Weston; one of his many non-sensical ramblings on the drive down to Tullahoma that made us ponder his meaning.
Quote of the Day “Turner. Hank and Bryson are not the dynamic duo. It’s obvious that we are.” – Weston
Quote of the Day “I don’t like going down these steep paths. I’m not a psychopath.” – Turner, while he was driving the side-by-side through the field and I asked him if he wanted to drive down the hill that
Quote of the Day “Someone once said, “The three most difficult things for a human being are not physical feats or intellectual achievements. They are, first, returning love for hate; second, including the excluded; third, admitting that you are wrong.”
Quote of the Day “A true creator knows that you follow the thing to where it’s going, not to where you think it ought to go.” — Adam Savage
Gratitude: Safe travel home. Nice flight, kid seemed to enjoy the whole experience in the airport and having Sprite on the plane. The Pits: We had to go to the early church service, which made the morning a bit more
The Pits: MVP. Although, as far as we can tell, we only have one more to do. Traci has already informed the church that childcare is not our “spiritual gift.” That’s the d@3n truth. The Peaks: After church, we headed