Quote of the Day “I want someone else to make the decisions. But I want it to be what I want. But I don’t know what I want.” – Traci, while we were trying to figure out what to have
Farewell to Molly and Mason

Quote of the Day “I want someone else to make the decisions. But I want it to be what I want. But I don’t know what I want.” – Traci, while we were trying to figure out what to have
Quote of the Day “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
Quote of the Day “Let’s get some music up in here.” – Traci, after our Sonos system was installed.
Quote of the Day “Good job” – What was written on one of the posters the boys made for Yui’s birthday. It struck me as funny. It was my favorite.
Quote of the Day “Principles have no real force except when one is well-fed.” – Mark Twain
Quote of the Day Bo: “Have you noticed any change in the Internet speed?” Turner shrugs. “I guess it’s a little smoother.” #Winning
Quote of the Day “Pop poppin’!” – A phrase that Scott had accidentally sent in a text to his boss and a client.
Quote of the Day “My philosophy for achieving [fulfillment] can be reduced to three simple rules: Do fewer things. Do them better. Know why you’re doing them.” – Cal Newport
Quote of the Day “NASA recorded inaudible electromagnetic signals— not even what we would call sound waves—as the probes Voyager and Cassini passed by a number of planets. Then these signals were processed and converted into sonic vibrations that fell
Quote of the Day “You are the music, while the music lasts.” — T.S. Eliot Found in How Music Works by David Byrne