Quote of the Day “There’s a railroad track in Decherd.” – Words that daddy used to say when I’d leave home to head back to Nashville. My common response was usually, “I know,” followed by an eye-roll.
Nolensville Knights vs FCHS Rebels

Quote of the Day “There’s a railroad track in Decherd.” – Words that daddy used to say when I’d leave home to head back to Nashville. My common response was usually, “I know,” followed by an eye-roll.
Quote of the Day “Give him a glockenspiel to run in when he’s tired and wash his unicorns 9 times a week. Brush his penises so he doesn’t have bad penis.” – An example Mad Lib when done with teenage
Quote of the Day “We don’t get any downtime. It’s always like three hikes a day.” – Weston, his thoughts on our trip so far. “Sometimes a step backward opens a new path forward.” – John Kreese, Cobra Kai.
Quote of the Day “They spelled ‘waterfall’ wrong.” – Turner, in reference to the sign that said “Please…don’t feed waterfowl.”
Quote of the Day While at Thunder Hole: Turner: “After this trip, I’m not gonna be scared of heights.” Bo: “Just be careful. Don’t win any stupid prizes.” (A reference to the saying, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” which
Quote of the Day “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine
Quote of the Day Weston: “If the plane goes down, how many cuss words can I say?” Bo: “All of them.”
Quote of the Day “Are you looking for your black shirt, your black shirt, or your black shirt?” – Traci, as I was rifling through a pile of my black shirts. If you must know, I was looking for the
Gratitude I’m thankful for friends, both old and new. I’m thankful for the opportunity to see Pearl Jam in concert. The Pits Bland food at Broadway Brewhouse. The Peaks I worked remotely today, and it was a low key day.
Quote of the Day “Living in dreams of yesterday, we find ourselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests.” – Charles Lindbergh