Quote of the Day “You can spend your time alone re-digesting past regrets, Or you can come to terms and realize, You’re the only one who can forgive yourself, Makes much more sense to live in the present tense” –
Number 18 Rides Again

Quote of the Day “You can spend your time alone re-digesting past regrets, Or you can come to terms and realize, You’re the only one who can forgive yourself, Makes much more sense to live in the present tense” –
Quote of the Day “A great artist is always before his time or behind it.” – George Edward Moore
Quote of the Day “A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.” – Ogden Nash
Quote of the Day “Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.” – George Eliot
Quote of the Day “Good job, Boswell! Don’t slow down!” – Coach Jamie (Turner’s football coach), during one of the final sprint drills.
Quote of the Day “Sammy,” I began wisely, “society isn’t just a bunch of individuals living alongside of each other. As a member of society, man is interdependent. Not independent, Sammy, interdependent. Life is too complex for there to be
Quote of the Day Howard: I was watching the Kennedy Center Honors, when Heart is singing “Stairway to Heaven,” and you’re sitting next to Jimmy [Page]. I could tell you guys were into it, and you even shed a tear.
Quote of the Day “In the Northern Hemisphere, the switch to daylight savings time in March results in most people losing an hour of sleep opportunity. Should you tabulate millions of daily hospital records, as researchers have done, you discover
Quote of the Day “Things get interesting when birds group together. In some species, many of the birds in a flock will sleep with both halves of the brain at the same time. How do they remain safe from threat?
Quote of the Day “Take dolphins and whales, for example. Their sleep, of which there is only NREM, can be unihemispheric, meaning they will sleep with half a brain at a time! One half of the brain must always stay