Quote of the Day “TL;DR: The CyberTruck is 17 times more likely to have a fire fatality than a Ford Pinto.” – FuelArc Article
Entering the Stage of Teen Dating

Quote of the Day “TL;DR: The CyberTruck is 17 times more likely to have a fire fatality than a Ford Pinto.” – FuelArc Article
Yeah, I know. These kindergarten firsts posts are a little out of hand. But I did want to demonstrate the process that we’re having to go through to ease the kids into school and new routines. Today was the first
Today was Weston’s first day at school. Turner was a big help in getting him packed up and ready for the big day. They both did well at school; Weston did cry when I dropped him off, but that’s been
Today was Weston’s 1st birthday. We had it at Crievewood Baptist Church, the same as all of Turner’s birthday parties so far. We had a very nice turnout. Elizabeth brought her inflatable bounce house which was pretty cool. Several kids
As I mentioned in yesterday’s elaborate tales of labor, Weston was born at 12:04am. We only slept a couple of hours and then our day was riddled with 30-60 minute naps here and there between regular health checks and visitors.