Quote of the Day
Lousy Zoom Pictionary and Wednesday Worship Night

Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day “We stood with our arms around each other, looking out over the waves, cold but comfortable. We discovered one solitary light moving slowly along the horizon. We played with it. It was a rumrunner and we
Quote of the Day “Work hard, and, if you can’t work hard, be smart; and, if you can’t be smart, be loud.” – Budd Schulberg, What Makes Sammy Run?
Quote of the Day “Please stop. You’re the only one who cares about the bass.” – Traci, as I was humming along to a song while we were putting together a puzzle.
Quote of the Day “I’m going to go upstairs to change out of my dirty pajamas and put on my clean pajamas.” – Traci, in the midst of the weekend #StayAtHome self-quarantine.
Quote of the Day How swiftly the strained honey of afternoon light flows into darkness and the closed bud shrugs off its special mystery in order to break into blossom: as if what exists, exists so that it can be