Quote of the Day “Look for wisdom, not facts. We’re not reading to just find random pieces of information. What’s the point of that? We’re reading to accumulate a mass of true wisdom—that you can turn to and apply in
Steve & Semp Sunday

Quote of the Day “Look for wisdom, not facts. We’re not reading to just find random pieces of information. What’s the point of that? We’re reading to accumulate a mass of true wisdom—that you can turn to and apply in
Quote of the Day “I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” – Oscar Wilde
Quote of the Day “Every day is a gift. I’ve been counting up instead of counting down and it’s made a big difference.” – David Gutie, talking about his recent experience with cancer during the morning worship service.
Quote of the Day “Goals are for people who care about winning once. Systems are for people who care about winning repeatedly.” – James Clear
Quote of the Day “In nature there are few sharp lines.” – A. R. Ammons
Quote of the Day “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.” – The Dhammapada, a collection of Buddhist scriptures, referenced
Quote of the Day “To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.” – Henry David Thoreau
Quote of the Day “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” – Indira Gandhi
Quote of the Day “The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one’s self to others.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Quote of the Day “There is no influence like the influence of habit.” – Gilbert Parker