Quote of the Day “You can not truly become yourself, by yourself. Becoming one-of-a-kind is not a solo job. Paradoxically you need everyone else in the world to help make you unique.” – Kevin Kelly
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Quote of the Day “You can not truly become yourself, by yourself. Becoming one-of-a-kind is not a solo job. Paradoxically you need everyone else in the world to help make you unique.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “Strong opinions, clearly stated, but loosely held is the recipe for an intellectual life. Always ask yourself: what would change my mind?” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “There is a profound difference between thinking less of yourself (not useful), and thinking of yourself less (better).” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “When you find yourself procrastinating, don’t resist. Instead lean into it. Procrastinate 100%. Try to do absolutely nothing for 5 minutes. Make it your job. You’ll fail. After 5 minutes, you’ll be ready and eager to
Quote of the Day “You have no obligation to like everyone, and you are free to intensely dislike a person. But you owe everyone—even those you dislike—basic respect.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “Never accept a work meeting until you’ve seen the agenda and know what decisions need to be made. If no decisions need to be made, skip the meeting.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “The secret of life is to waste time in ways that you like.” – Jerry Seinfeld
Quote of the Day “For steady satisfaction, work on improving your worst days, rather than your best days.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “In a museum you need to spend at least 10 minutes with an artwork to truly see it. Aim to view 5 pieces at 10 minutes each rather than 100 at 30 seconds each.” – Kevin
Quote of the Day “When you are stuck or overwhelmed, focus on the smallest possible thing that moves your project forward.” – Kevin Kelly