Quote of the Day “What others want from you is mostly to be seen. Let others know you see them.” – Kevin Kelly
Look To The Bacon Cheeseburgers

Quote of the Day “What others want from you is mostly to be seen. Let others know you see them.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “Avoid making any kind of important decision when you are either hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT). Just halt when you are HALT.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “Write your own obituary, the one you’d like to have, and then everyday work towards making it true.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “Forget diamonds; explore the worlds hidden in pebbles. Seek the things that everyone else ignores.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “Discover people whom you love doing “nothing” with, and do nothing with them on a regular basis. The longer you can maintain those relationships, the longer you will live.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “The most selfish thing in the world you can do is to be generous. Your generosity will return you ten fold.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “There are at least 4 types of wealth: 1. Financial wealth (money) 2. Social wealth (status) 3. Time wealth (freedom) 4. Physical wealth (health) Be ware of jobs that lure you in with 1 and 2,
Quote of the Day “You should be willing to look foolish at first, in order to look like a genius later.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “Do not cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.” – Kevin Kelly
Quote of the Day “For every success there is a corresponding non-monetary tax of some kind. To maintain success you have to gladly pay these taxes.” – Kevin Kelly