I started putting these things I’ve learned within the Piccal posts, but I’m thinking it makes more sense to separate them out into their own posts.
Here are the things I’ve learned this week, August 4 through 10, 2019.
- Suzuki Method of Learning Piano – One of the biggest hurdles I face when learning piano is reading music. Not only am I having to learn the keys, I’m also having to learn how to read music. I’m a bit embarrassed that I’m just now hearing of the Suzuki method for learning piano, which is based on the “mother tongue” approach, that basically teaches you to play by ear, which is how I learned to play guitar and bass. I’m going to give this a try.
- Cat Fact! Cats Meow to Communicate with People.
- Lots of facts on the writing and recording of “Glorious Day” for the bass cover of the song.
- When asking someone for a favor, we will be more successful if we provide a reason. “Because” is a key word, as it has been shown to improve results regardless of the reason given. Source: Influence by Robert Cialdini.
- African elephants go through six sets of teeth in their lifetime. Shark teeth repair themselves. They lose up to 100 per day, but can grow and use over 20,000 in their lifetime.
- McKays sells Pokémon cards and Nerf guns, and the boys love it.
- In Win Bigly, Scott Adams talks about the importance of Cognitive Dissonance, where a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values; and Confirmation Bias, where a person perceives information in a way that affirms their previous beliefs.
Those are the things I’ve learned this week, and I’m looking forward to learning more next week!
This Week I Learned – August 4 through 10, 2019
Flashback to August 10, 2018

First Day at School
Flashback to August 10, 2017

First Day of First and Third Grade