Quote of the Day “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 […]
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Values, Frames, and Justice
Flashback to June 14, 2017

Through The Looking Cardboard Tube
Flashback to June 14, 2016

New & Tired
Wait a minute. I feel I need to justify myself. He was not performing the dance for me. He was supposed to be brushing his teeth and getting his shower, as I had already asked him to do this at least 3 times. When I walked through the hallway and saw that he was dancing naked and not doing what he was supposed to be doing, I “may” have rolled my eyes. But this was not a performance he had asked me to watch.
Gosh! Mean mommy! ;). kidding…
I like the background picture you chose for your 10 core values. I’m saving a screenshot of it on my phone – good things to reflect on during various times of a day.
I’m glad you like it! Here’s a version that is specially sized for iPhone X, if that helps. I’ve also added additional sizes to the main post above.