More time hanging out on the tractors this morning. Weston couldn’t even wait for us to get his clothes on, he just barreled out in […]
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Wide Load
Flashback to June 30, 2011

Train Background
Flashback to June 30, 2010

Fore Sale
Whew!! Am I glad that you captured the “MAIN” entrance to Boswell Machine, Inc. where “Quality Precision Machining” is performed! Heaven only knows what the “BACK STORAGE AREA” looks like. Why, I imagine the network show “Clean House” could do an entire series on that!! 🙂
I cannot miss this opportunity to comment on my precious little buddies! It makes our heart smile to see them riding and enjoying their little tractors! I feel so bad that Turner got stung by that mean ‘ol wasp…but he got his revenge by getting Boogie to stomp on it and he flushed him down the toliet! Yeay!!!