Lately, more than ever, I’ve begun to understand the meaning behind the statement, “This is why we can’t have anything nice.”
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Poster Chid
Flashback to March 4, 2011

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Flashback to March 4, 2010

all the apple juice and all the hot wheel cars in the big ole world aint worth one nats but hole compared to the privaledge of being the up growers of them two appls sause 4 wheeling weston banging turner toating little angles that the lord done seen fit to give them youall as upgrowers and loving care givers!they are the family treasure,pot of gold at the end of your rain bow ,and they are healthy and smart and needy and full of needing something R.F.N..need any help call 580 0018,any time! LOVE PAWPAW
Ok…. Turner looks WAY too old here.