Seriously. One hour. That’s how long I worked on this photo. I know it probably doesn’t look like much, but I was working with details […]
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One Hour
Flashback to April 6, 2010

Bananana Split!
Flashback to April 6, 2009

Hanging Out
a cool picture of a replica of POPS 44 massyharris the tractor he used to plow dick plant cultivate hay bale combinehaul in and spread manure for 40 years and the tractor is still running!that is a whole lot more than just a cool picture of Turners toy tractor.Ita a ptcture of turners and westons and bo’SFAMILY ROOTS STARTING IN 1951 WHEN POP bought it fron merl travise and drove it home from marble hill. DO YOU KNOW WHO WAS WITHE HIM THAT DAU AND RODE ALL THE WAY HOME TO HARMONY!yep you is right ole paw paw still rememberies that day! COOL PICTURE INDEED OF A LEGACY.