Here we have proof of that pesky new toof, that makes Turner go “oof”, now we know what’s aloof. We are not liars! here you […]
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Toof Proof
Flashback to April 17, 2008

Flashback to April 17, 2007

Well Whattaya Know, Mark Turns Four-Ohhh
Jeff Dunham (spl??) would say “What a tooth”
Isn’t this the same tooth on Turner that is loose? I wander if the first tooth that comes in is the first one kids lose?!!?!?
Yes, you’re correct in that the tooth that Turner is about to lose appears to be the first one that came in. I’m pretty sure it’s just a coincidence that it’s the first in, first out. I doubt there’s hard scientific evidence that that’s how it is in all cases.