This was Turner’s first Christmas, and one thing is for sure. Traci and I no longer matter. Everyone wanted to see, hold, and kiss Turner. […]
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Turner’s First Christmas
Flashback to December 25, 2007

Turner Family Christmas
Flashback to December 25, 2006

Christmas Morning
JUST A COMMENT ON THE GOLDEN CHILD REMARK:I call your attention to LUKE 2,23. ( as is written in the law of the LORD, Every male that openeth the womb “firsy born” shall be called Holy To The LORD;). Now aint that golden!
PAPA boon
Right on! He is golden and holy and perfect. And we don’t mind being the “carriers.”
So…if the “first born” is considered “golden”…what does that make the “second born”????
Signed, the other “Golden Child” hehe 🙂