We couldn’t resist the pull of Donut Hole any longer. We took a break in our early morning jaunt to indulge ourselves in a good […]
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Flashback to May 2, 2007

This made me burst forth with a loud chortle. “Pete’s Dragon”??? Mickey Rooney, Bo? You’d rather watch that than Sweeney Todd? “A dragon, a dragon, I swear I saw a dragon!” LOL. I forgot about that movie… Anyhow, Sweeney Todd isn’t the best film of 2007 (I’d honestly say that title goes to Atonement) but I’d at least rather look at/listen to Depp, Rickman and Bonham Carter than Mickey Rooney’s alcoholic-tinged face any day. 😉 But then I guess I grew up loving musicals so it doesn’t really faze me. I can see why you might not be into it…
Pete’s Dragon pushed the envelope. They were like, “Let’s make it a movie, and a cartoon. And a musical!”
Sweeny Todd just unleashed an unbridled torrent of songs. First, there was singing about the town, then about the bad thing that happended to Sweeny, then about the horrible pies that that chick made, then she sang more about Sweeny’s story, then he sang about his razors, then some girl was singing about a bird, and that’s when I turned it off.
I mean, come on. Use some restraint. Just because it’s a musical, it doesn’t mean that all dialog needs to be sung.
Pete’s Dragon had a great mix of spoken dialog versus singing. It didn’t overuse the songs.
I mean, who doesn’t remember the song about Pasamadasus? Podamaquasy? Packamquacky? Pasamadasy?