That’s right, it’s revenge of the heart-shaped pastries again. We approached this Valentine’s Day as a “let’s not do anything big” event. But, you know, […]
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Sink or Swim
Flashback to February 14, 2007

Heart-Shaped Pastries
does it bother anyone else that Bo is taking pictures of his male friend in the bathroom?
Does that mean it’s ok to take pictures of FEMALE friends in the bathroom? awesome . . and a little creepy
Well, no… This was just the first thing that I noticed about these pictures. That Bo took his camera into the bathroom, the work bathroom no less. I guess it would have bothered me the same if it had been a female in the picture too.
Oh come on, people. As you can see in the video, the door is wide open while our pant flies are intact. We were plunging an electrical device into a canister filled with water. Did you really expect us do to that in the cubicle next to my beloved Mac?
Mark sucks. That is my official stance on Day 5 without him. Nice to see his smiling face here, though.
Nice donuts, too. I would like to eat them if I hadn’t just read the Gatorade post. Ha!