Over the past few weeks, both Traci and I have read several online/magazine articles that stressed the importance of houseplants. I’ve never been big into […]
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Leaventide the Bonzai
Fess up Boswell! The cardboard on the window was to keep the SPIDERS out!!!
You know, I did notice a strange decrease in spider sightings once I put up the cardboard. But no, the main motive behind doing that was so the sun would stop interrupting my naps.
Plus, around that time, dudes would come over and, after getting tired of knocking on our unanswered door, would resort to knocking on my bedroom window. So, it was also an effort to hide more efficiently from my peers.
This was a slightly secluded time in my life. And I won’t lie to you…I sometimes wish I could put cardboard over my door at work.